If God wanted us to know something or do something, he should say so. Many many people are eager to please him and make up stuff about what he expects. At this point, it appears to me that he is not interested in events on earth. As far as a personal interest in anyone, there is just not evidence of that. The existence of suffering indicates God's lack of interest in mankind.
Bud Stars
JoinedPosts by Bud Stars
If God exists, what would be a good reason why he never communicates or helps his creation by intervention?
by pistolpete inyou have probably heard all kinds of excuses why god doesn’t communicates with his creation or why he doesn’t intervene.. some examples.. no one can see god because he is a spirit.. but we can hear god---yet he chooses not to talk to humanity.. god only communicates with certain people.
moses, samuel, abraham, etc.
but there are many people today who also claim that god spoke to them yet we ignore them but believe god spoke to people who lived thousands of years ago and we can’t really verify if that was so.
PIMO elder
by Reservations ini’m reservations, pimo elder.
i’m in no position to leave the organisation, maybe some people will see that as weak or whatever, but we have to all go down our own path in life.. i would like to be able to wake people up in my congregation, how do you think best to do this?
any ideas?.
Bud Stars
Leverage. This is a good time to get recordings, make copies, videos. These things help you to negotiate leaving more on your terms. Many elders stay in because they want to be a voice for good in the congregation, to help vulnerable people. You could encourage people to get actual help from a therapist or counselor if they are experiencing hard times in their marriage. Giving permission is powerful. Once you actually leave, you can recognize that there is no way you can be responsible for the emotional well being of other people. Grownups in particular need to 'pray' for themselves and seek help for whatever issues they are struggling with.
What is your status (as of today) as a Jehovah's Witness?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inactive believer...still attend meetings, go out in field service, believe it's ''the truth''.
active non-believer... go to meetings and field service to please family... living a double life .
inactive believer...don't attend meetings but believe it's the truth, one day might go back to kingdom hall.
Bud Stars
#5. WE have been out about 12 years. Not DF'ed or DA but shunned by cong. and family. I tend to be more activist but my spouse not. I am waiting for the organization to implode - sooner the better. We are not religious and would find going back into the KH triggering. Not spiritual and have no interest in other religious practices. Intellectually I can allow for people to practice their chosen religion but on an emotional level I have a slight disdain. Hope I don't show that on the outside. Once we were out for awhile we could finally admit that a lot of the stuff in the Bible is creepy and not believeable. The complexity of life makes me acknowledge the existence of a higher power or first cause but no evidence that he is interested in condtions on the earth and definitely not a personal diety.
Black Lives Matter—Do You Agree With Their Philosophy?
by minimus ini agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
Bud Stars
Thanks hisclarkness for showing what a big topic this is. The problem cannot be dismissed by different versions of whataboutery. If we have white privilege, we were just lucky enough to be born with it. Didn't earn it. I think many of us as witnesses developed a way to turn things around and blame the victim. Opportunity for growth. I try to figure out how can I be part of the solution. Staying safe and quiet dishonors my relatives who are PoC.
Black Lives Matter—Do You Agree With Their Philosophy?
by minimus ini agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
Bud Stars
This whole thread is a study in white privilege and mostly white male privilege. It’s hard to wrap your head around the validity of this issue (that is: People of Color have a different experience with law enforcement than white people) when you are the one enjoying privilege. Is this a provision of the law of the land? That’s not the real discussion that we should have. What is the lived experience of PoC? That is the voice we need to hear. The Black Lives Matter movement is possible for two reasons: cell phones that can record events and social media to reveal it to the world. Change is possible but it won’t happen in a nice calm atmosphere.
My sister just sent me this text.
by Brainfloss inmy sister sent me this text a few minutes ago.
what does she know about my relationship with jehovah?
it was followed up by a bunch of links to jw org problem is dialog is not possible her side is the only one to be heard.
Bud Stars
It really is heartbreaking. Her message is based on Mark Sanderson's appeal to JW's who have 'drifted away' to return. They really can't comprehend that Witnesses who have left wouldn't want to join up again. My dream is for how our relationships can be with our JW relatives once the organization crashes. Can't happen soon enough.
Great Trib is Starting!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara injust received a text yesterday...lovebombing to return with so called proof of the gt starting...scaremongering at its peak!.
missing you at the meetings.
Bud Stars
The study articles assume that inactive ones are sad, lonely and even miserable without their JW friends. Active JW's can't comprehend how much richer life is after we leave.
What can a therapist really do?
by Thetruthhurts inhi all, i've not read the forums for awhile as i've been trying to move on with my life but i'm back and posting for the first time feeling like i cant get a grip.
so i'm wondering for those of you that have seen a therapist and say that it truly helps, what can be accomplished?
i'm just really skeptical, but starting to feel desperate.
Bud Stars
Bonnie Zieman's book Shunned is full of helpful strategies for coping with our situation. https://www.amazon.com/Shunned-Survival-Guide-Bonnie-Zieman/dp/1983942375
Recovery is not quick! It takes years to really get comfortable with your new life. Just keeps getting better and better.
Last Thursday's Meeting in Elmira, On
by newsheep ini had gotten a phone call from a brother who was really upset.
he said there was a resolution passed that everyone is in agreement to the selling of the elmira hall.
the strange thing is at the congregation picnic an elder told him that a few years ago the deed to the hall was signed over to the org.
Bud Stars
I've wondered too where the funds are going. Offshore? In whose name?
Bud Stars
Imagining going back into a Kingdom Hall is truly the stuff of nightmares. Have never gone back after being in 50 years and out 10.